
Nap Guide

In this guide, we'll go over different elements that will help improve your baby's naps. With time, patience and consistency, you can get your baby on a solid nap schedule. It might not be pretty at first but if you stick with it, you'll see results.

Wake Windows and Schedules

A wake window is the amount of time your child is awake between sleeps. Knowing your child’s wake window will help them get the restorative, quality sleep they need during the day. Check out this mini guide on wake windows and schedules to know where to start for your baby!

Free Newborn Guide

This 15-page PDF will lay out the five foundations of establishing a healthy sleep foundation for your newborn. You will learn more about nutrition, setting up your newborn's sleep environment, establishing a solid bedtime routine, the importance of the morning wake-up, and meeting your newborn's emotional needs.

Toddler Bedtime Tools

Toddlers are tricky. I created this "10 Tips and Tricks for Toddler Sleep" to help ease some frustrations you might be having at bedtime. In this mini guide, you'll find 10 different things to do with your toddler to improve your bedtime routine and your toddler's nighttime sleep.

Reward Charts

Sometimes we need to motivate our children to meet their goals. Reward charts motivate, they empower, and they work!

Routine Cards

Children thrive on routine. These routine cards provide visual cues, helping your child understand the plan for what comes next in nap time, quiet time, or bedtime.