When can I officially sleep train?

When your baby is at least 12 pounds.

  1. When your baby is 4 months old. 

  2. When your pediatrician approves.

  3. When YOU are ready!

However, there are MANY things you can do before all of that! You can lay those strong foundational sleep habits from day 1.

What is included in a personalized sleep plan?

In baby plans, ages 0-24 months, I include information on goals, the sleep environment, bedtime and naptime routines, personalized schedules based on your work/family dynamic, two different sleep training methods, future schedules, regressions, what to do with sickness and traveling, etc. In the toddler and “older kid” plans, I also go over the family meeting script, and include attachments/links to the sleep manners, reward charts, and social story, what to get at a local store, etc. The plans are thorough and detailed. You will walk away from our training call where we go over the plan feeling confident and ready. 

If I purchase a package, what does the process look like?

After our initial free 15-minute consultation call, you would buy the package from my website that fits your needs. From there, I would send you a questionnaire, a contract, a 3 day food/sleep log and other important information. Once I have the questionnaire and 3 day log back, I create a personalized sleep plan for you. Then, we schedule a 60-90 minute training call where you walk away feeling confident and know exactly what to do to help solve your child’s sleep challenges. Based on the level of support you need, I will be there along the way helping you and problem solving. 

What does a sleep consultant do?

A sleep consultant does five things. She listens to your current sleep challenges, she creates a personalized sleep plan, she teaches you how to implement the plan, she coaches/supports you through the implementation of the plan, and she celebrates with you!

How much support do you think I need?

It totally depends on your personality and learning style! Recently, I worked with a teacher and she said, “Alyssa, just give me the plan. Tell me exactly what to do and I’ll do it. I don’t need to text you every day.” The “basic” plan was perfect for her. Another mama was so sleep deprived, she needed me every day. It was comforting for her to know I would be there to answer all of her questions throughout the day. The level of support you want is dependent on your family situation.

I have a 4 year old daughter and a 6 year old son. Is it too late to sleep train “older” kids?

Absolutely not! I LOVE working with “older” kids because I am a second grade teacher and have so much experience working with “older kids.” At this age, it’s all about communication and follow through. We begin the process with a family meeting where we discuss 4 sleep manners. From there, we introduce a reward chart to incentivize them. Then, we sprinkle in a lot of choice in the bedtime routine and the sleep training process to get them on board. Certain things like having them pick out their first prize, letting them pick out the sleep color, wake color, and wake sound on The Hatch, letting them pick out a stuffed animal that they get to sleep with (and teach the sleep manners to!), etc. I have many tricks to get them on board with the new routine! I firmly believe sleep habits can change, regardless of age. With older kids, parents need to be as consistent and enthusiastic as possible. They need to know that you BELIEVE in them and will be there to support them along the way.

Will my baby cry?

Most likely, yes. I want to be 100% honest and tell you that your baby will most likely cry during this process. Crying is your baby’s way of saying, “Hey, this feels different!” Your baby doesn’t know how to communicate and verbalize their thoughts and feelings so they cry. We’re making a big change in how they go to sleep so when they cry, it's completely age appropriate and to be expected. Depending on YOUR comfort level, I will choose two sleep training methods to walk you through and YOU pick the one that you feel most comfortable with. One mama I worked with wanted NO tears because her 5-month old was a puker. She chose the “pick up/put down” method and he did a wonderful job. It took three weeks but she was able to be consistent with it and he became an independent sleeper. Another mom I worked with recently had 3 kids and she did not have time for the “pick up/put down” method and wanted something that was more efficient so she chose a method where more crying was involved but the process was fast. Every family is different. You pick the method that you are most comfortable with.  

Do you do in-home visits?

I live on the East Side of Milwaukee. I will travel to your home if you live within 20 miles of me. The “In-Home Support” option is available on my website for $125. I have done in-home visits for families with toddlers and older children. Parents find comfort in having me run the family meeting where we go through the sleep manners, the reward charts, etc because children tend to listen more to an outside person rather than mom and dad. 

What sleep training methods do you teach in your plans?

I am trained in 5 different sleep training methods, none of them being extinction where you shut the door at 7:00pm and come back 12 hours later at 7:00am. There is a wide spectrum of sleep training methods. The biggest difference is the level of parental involvement. Some methods involve the parent in the room for the entire process. Others involve less parental involvement. In the questionnaire that I send after you’ve purchased a package, there are questions about your child’s personality and your comfort level. Based on your answers, I choose two different methods and walk you through what each of those methods look like. You pick the one you are most comfortable with. 

How long does sleep training take?

It really depends on the method and the age of your child. “Fixing” nighttime sleep happens faster than daytime sleep. On average, you will see results with nighttime sleep within 3 days of implementation of the plan. With older children, it takes longer because the habits are more ingrained. The more consistent you are, the faster you will see results. 

Does sleep training impact attachment?

No. Many parents worry that letting their child cry and not intervening or “saving” them will be harmful to their child. However, Dr. Marc Weissbluth bluntly states, “You are harming your child when you allow unhealthy sleep patterns to evolve or persist-sleep deprivation is as unhealthy as feeding a nutritionally deficient diet.” Similarly, Award-winning economist, mother, and author, Emily Oster researched 13 different sleep-training studies and found that adverse effects as a result of the sleep training program were not found in any of the studies. “On the contrary, infants who participated in sleep interventions were found to be more secure, predictable, less irritable, and to cry and fuss less following treatment.” Your baby will still think you are the best person on the planet.

Is sleep training worth it?

Yes! Research shows that sleep training works and the effects last after training. Once your baby has a solid sleep foundation, you will see that your baby will be more flexible and able to sleep soundly anywhere. Sleep training gives parents a sense of freedom because they are more rested and have a solid routine they can rely on. Bedtime and naptime becomes efficient, consistent, and reliable. 

How much does a plan cost?

Depending on the level of support, my packages begin at $150. The more support you need, the higher the price. 

When should I see a sleep consultant?

When you have reached your breaking point and are fully committed to implementing a plan, you are ready to see a sleep consultant. However, some parents are proactive and want to know all the details on setting up a healthy sleep foundation before that breaking point! I work with a variety of families who are “more ready” than others and that’s completely OK. I’m available to talk through any questions or hesitations with you.

Does it really work?

Yes! If you follow the plan, it will work. The great thing about a pediatric sleep consultant is that I’m here with you along the way. I am here to problem solve and find solutions together. Sleep training doesn’t have to be scary. It’s an incredibly rewarding experience.

What age is the easiest to sleep train?

I find success sleep training infants, babies, toddlers, and young children. Typically, there is more “fight” with older children because they are not used to putting themselves to sleep. However, there are tools and routines we implement to make your child successful, no matter the age. Naps are typically easier around 6 months old but we can improve a child’s sleep skills no matter how old they are. 

Which sleep training method is best?

The most effective sleep training method is the one you will be most consistent with. Parental consistency is KEY. I present two different sleep training methods and you pick the one you’re most comfortable with. 

Can you sleep train without letting them cry it out?

There are different sleep training methods. Some involve more parental involvement than others. During this process though, families should be aware that babies will cry. The duration of their cry depends on the comfort of the caretakers and the baby’s personality. While some babies are more stimulated by parental involvement, others care less and their parents can be involved more. In no way do we abandon our babies and kids when we sleep train. I provide safe sleep training methods that are effective. 

What are good sleep habits for babies?

A solid sleep foundation for babies includes a focus on full feeds, setting up the proper sleep environment, implementing a solid bedtime routine, having a consistent morning wake up, and making sure their emotional needs are met during the day. Laying babies down fully awake 5-10 minutes before their wake window ends is key as well!

When should I start my baby on a routine?

You can begin a routine on day 1! I love having my families begin with the eat, wake, sleep cycle right away. By not associating feeds with sleep, your baby will be better able to put theirself to sleep. If your child is older, there’s no time like the present! You can begin implementing a routine any day. Be consistent. Develop a routine that is reliable and something you can easily do night after night. 

How can I get my baby to sleep longer stretches at night?

By focusing on full feeds, you are telling your baby they can go 2.5-3.5 hours in between feeds. Also, however a baby falls asleep will be what they seek when they wake up. If they put themselves to sleep independently, they’ll better be able to put themselves back to sleep when they complete a sleep cycle. Also, introduce a sleep training method you are most comfortable with. You are their sleep coach. You are teaching them how to be independent sleepers.

What is the goal of sleep training?

The main goal of sleep training is for your baby to independently put themselves to sleep and put themselves back to sleep in between sleep cycles.